Parents launch petition to battle new uniform policy at a Milton Keynes school

Parents of students at Milton Keynes Academy are rallying together to fight the new uniform policy.

A number of students and parents have signed a petition launched this morning against the new rules regarding school shoes.

Up until today (January 3), students were allowed to wear trainers as long as they were all black with no logo.

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Last term, new headteacher Fiona Seddon wrote to parents stating trainers, of any kind, would no longer be acceptable for students to wear to school as of January.

This message appeared on the school's websiteThis message appeared on the school's website
This message appeared on the school's website

However this morning, it is reported that students were sent home after not attending school in ‘appropriate’ footwear.

An upset mother, who did not want to be named, said: “My daughter was sent to the uniform room because she was wearing all black trainers, she said those students who did not go to the uniform room to correct their shoes were sent home.

“It’s ridiculous - they have always been allowed to wear plain trainers and I got my daughter her school shoes to last the whole year.

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“Just before Christmas parents got a letter saying the rule would be changed but what if parents can’t afford new shoes after already buying a pair?”

This message appeared on the school's websiteThis message appeared on the school's website
This message appeared on the school's website

The school’s website, states: “To keep inline with our Uniform Policy, students will no longer be able to wear trainers (of any kind) to school.

“Please can parents/carers ensure that all students are wearing the correct footwear.”

The uniform policy, says: “If students refuse to change they will be detained and their parents contacted, the principal may ask a student to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the Academy’s rules on appearance or uniform.”

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