More '˜Dementia Friends' needed in Milton Keynes

Could you be a Dementure FriendCould you be a Dementure Friend
Could you be a Dementure Friend
Milton Keynes residents can show their support for people with dementia by becoming Dementia Friends as part of Dementia Action Week, running this week.

NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which plans and buys the county’s mental health services, is supporting the Dementia Friends campaign to help people develop an understanding of dementia and turn it into action to help people in their community living with the disease.

In the UK, one person develops dementia every three minutes and there are currently around 850,000 people in the UK with dementia.

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People can become a Dementia Friend by watching a special video online and entering their details to receive a free information pack which is full of helpful tips and ideas.

Alternatively, people can also become a Dementia Friend by attending an information session in their local area. Full details are available at

Dr Nicola Smith, local GP and chair of NHS Milton Keynes CCG, said: “We strongly believe that life doesn’t end when dementia begins, so supporting people to live well with dementia is a key priority for the CCG. All of us can make a difference to so many people and their families simply by understanding how it feels to live with dementia and pledging to become Dementia Friends.

“With support, people can live well with dementia, so every action counts. Training is quick as people just need to watch a short online video, which provides them with a greater understanding about dementia, including tips to help people with the illness.

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“As the population ages, we all face the risk of one day developing dementia but with the right support people with the condition can continue to do the things they love and lots, lots more.”

For more information about Dementia Action Week visit