Milton Keynes school welcomes Jackie Beere OBE

Jackie BeereJackie Beere
Jackie Beere
This coming Monday (February 6), Akeley Wood School will host a free open evening with guest speaker Jackie Beere OBE.

Jackie will be focusing on ‘Helping your children become resilient learners for life’ and the event - starting at 6.30pm - will include some ideas about growth mindset, giving feedback, revision techniques and neuroscience.

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Jackie worked as a newspaper journalist before starting a career in teaching and school leadership. She rose from supply teacher to become an Advanced Skills Teacher and then became Headteacher of a large, successful secondary school.

She was awarded an OBE in 2002 for developing innovative learning programmes that raise achievement for both students and teachers. As a Headteacher she led an Excellence Cluster of secondary schools in the local area, was a member of the prestigious Future Visions group with SSAT and worked with various schools in Cambridgeshire on their Building Schools for the Future strategies.

Since 2006, through her company, Jackie Beere Associates, she has been training teachers and leaders in the latest strategies for developing excellence and a growth mindset culture in the classroom. Jackie is a master practitioner of NLP and also author of several bestselling books on teaching and learning

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