Dogs for Good MK Supporter Group raises £70,000 in five years

MPMC Dog SupporterMPMC Dog Supporter
MPMC Dog Supporter
A city group that raises cash for dogs to offer a helping paw to disabled people has generated almost £70,000 in five years.

Dogs for Good Milton Keynes Supporter Group runs collections at city stores and gives talks to schools and community groups.

Last year alone the group raised more than £19,000.

The Dogs for Good charity explores ways dogs can help disabled people overcome daily challenges.

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Their assistance dogs, which cost £20,000 apiece to train, can pick up dropped items, help remove awkward items of clothing and even push the buttons at pelican crossings.

They support adults and children with a range of disabilities, including children with autism and elderly people with dementia.

The charity also trains activity and therapy dogs to work with specialist handlers in communities and schools and its Family Dog team gives specialist advice and support to help people get the most out of their relationship with their pet dog.

Dogs for Good receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations, fundraising and volunteers to continue its pioneering work.

To find out more about the Milton Keynes supporter group’s activities email

To make a donation visit or call 01295 252600

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