Is 'weirdo' trying to kill cats with slug pellets wrapped in bacon in Milton Keynes?

Slug pellets can be lethal to catsSlug pellets can be lethal to cats
Slug pellets can be lethal to cats
A cat owner has warned people to beware of a potential animal hater who placed a lethal bait of slug pellets and bacon on his driveway.

Slug pellets contain a chemical called metaldehyde, which can make pets seriously ill and, in some cases, prove deadly.

Even small amounts can cause severe poisoning and symptoms such as uncoordination, tremors and convulsions can occur within an hour of the pet eating them.

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The man, who lives in Derwent Drive, Bletchley, said: "I found two raw rashers of bacon rubber banded together covered in slug pellets on my drive. I’m assuming someone out there doesn’t like cats as mine was out the front earlier."

He added: "It might be an idea to notify your readers that there could be a weirdo out there and be alert."

Dogs or cats who have eaten the pellets should be seen by a vet urgently as rapid treatment is essential.