Antartica calls marine student saving planet

A marine student from Olney is to join an expedition to Antarctica in a project for women only.

Maddie Brasier, a 26-year-old PhD student at the University of Liverpool and the Natural History Museum, London, is one of only a handful of people in the UK to be selected.

Maddie said: “I study the animals that live on the seafloor around western Antarctica, an area of rapid regional warming resulting from human driven climate change.

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“Alongside my PhD I am currently working with the British Antarctic Survey to review marine protected areas in Antarctica. I have also worked with the US Antarctic Programme.

“I have recently been chosen to participate in an all-female leadership expedition to Antarctica next year.

“The project is called Homeward Bound and is open to participants from all countries. I am one of a handful of people from the UK to be selected and one of the youngest.”

Maddie needs to raise $20,000 and hopes to spread the word on her work through talks in the city area.
